In the first 30 days of the semester, I learned 150 flash cards with minutia from the Book of Common Prayer for the infamous "rubrics" quiz all seniors must endure for their Liturgics class. I stood out in the rain with the cross and no umbrella for our mock Burial service. I preached my last sermon at the Chapel of the Apostles, our "laboratory." And I said goodbye to the dear people who have embraced me as their "intern" for the last are some of the worship leaders when I preached my last sermon at the Thanksgiving service a few weeks ago.
But the marathon that was this semester ended with I was nearing the finish line, I got hit with a very bad cold. Many at the School of Theology had gone down with the flu, but since I got my flu shot in October, I must have had just a very bad cold with only one final exam left to take. I took the exam...pretty fuzzy-brained...and crawled to the finish line of the semester. A little rest to celebrate the birth of Jesus and then sequestering and more study for comprehensive exams January 6-8. Need to get some new running shoes....